Fixing Interface Erasure in Go

Oct 28, 2021 at 3:24PM
Caleb Doxsey

A common pattern in Go programs is to modify a type by creating a new type which implements the same interface(s) as the original type. The new type can then be used anywhere the old type could be used without having to update the calling code.

For example you may open a file and read its contents:

f, _ := os.Open("somefile.txt")
bs, _ := io.ReadAll(f)

io.ReadAll expects an io.Reader, a small interface with a single method:

type Reader interface {
    Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Suppose we want to limit how much of the file we read - perhaps as a security measure against untrusted inputs. Go's io package provides an easy way to do this with a LimitReader:

f, _ := os.Open("somefile.txt")
lr := io.LimitReader(f, 1024) // only allow reading up to 1024 bytes
bs, _ := io.ReadAll(lr)

The beauty of this approach is that nothing about the call to io.ReadAll has to change. The interface is the same and the fact that we're not using an *os.File is transparent to the code using it. (A deeper look into this design approach can be seen in my talk: How Go is Unique: Static Linking, Composition and Russian Doll Coding.)

At least that's how it's supposed to work. In reality the type is not transparent because it only implements a subset of the interfaces supported by the wrapped type. For example *os.File implements io.Writer, io.Seeker, io.Closer, etc... but io.LimitedReader only implements io.Reader:

f, _ := os.Open("somefile.txt")
_, ok = f.(io.Writer) // ok == true
r := io.LimitReader(f, 1024)
_, ok = f.(io.Writer) // ok == false

I call this phenomenon Interface Erasure.

Losing our interfaces doesn't much matter in the case of io.ReadAll, since it only uses the Read method, and since the function specifies it requires an io.Reader, that requirement is checked at compile-time.

But what if the function didn't specify the io.Reader as an argument. What if, for example, it merely specified an empty interface ReadAll(someArgument interface{}) and then the code was written in such a way that it used a type assertion to see if what was passed was an io.Reader. It would be very easy to overlook this runtime-enforced type assertion and break our interface transparency.

That would be an exceedingly odd way of writing ReadAll, so does this problem ever really happen?

Sadly, yes. Here are some examples:

In the wild I've been bit by the HTTP and IO interfaces which seem to be the most common type-asserted interfaces.

Searching for a Solution

When you know the exact type you'd like to wrap the most straightforward solution to this problem is to use an embedded field. Embedded fields are struct fields which have no name:

type T1 struct {
    example int
type T2 struct {
    T1 // embedded
    t1 T1 // not embedded
var t2 T2
// promoted:
t2.T1.example == t2.example

Embedded fields have the nice property that their methods are "promoted". That is:

A field or method f of an embedded field in a struct x is called promoted if x.f is a legal selector that denotes that field or method f. [...] Promoted fields act like ordinary fields of a struct

In the example above we can call the example field directly on the T2 type because the T1 type has been embedded within T2.

Single Type Embedding

Using this feature we can create a new composite type with two fields. The first is the original type, embedded so we inherit all the original methods. The second is a non-embedded field with just the interfaces we'd like to wrap. Taking our original example:

type fileLimitReader struct {
    reader io.Reader

func (r fileLimitReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
    return r.reader.Read(p)

func FileLimitReader(file *os.File, limit int64) io.Reader {
    return fileLimitReader{file, io.LimitReader(file, limit)}

func main() {
    f, _ := os.Create("example.txt")
    w := FileLimitReader(f, 1024)
    _, ok1 := w.(io.Closer)
    _, ok2 := w.(io.Reader)
    _, ok3 := w.(io.Writer)
    fmt.Println(ok1, ok2, ok3)
    // => true true true

In this code a call to f.Read would go to the LimitedReader whereas any other method call would go to File via promotion. That is f.Read is equivalent to f.reader.Read and f.Write is equivalent to f.File.Write.

Is it possible to simplify this code? What if we just embedded both fields?

func FileLimitReader(file *os.File, limit int64) io.Reader {
    return struct{*os.File;io.Reader}{file,io.LimitReader(file, limit)}

Unfortunately the compiler won't let you do this:

./prog.go:26:3: struct { *os.File; io.Reader }.Read is ambiguous

Verbosity can be a bit tedious, but the bigger issue with this approach is it means we have to create type-specific implementations for our wrapping methods. It would be much nicer if we could have a single LimitReader function which accepted a mere Reader and yet didn't erase all the other possible interfaces. Is that possible?

Arbitrary Type Embedding?

Our first crack at it might be to embed the empty interface, thus accepting any type, e.g.:

type anyLimitReader struct {
    interface{} // not valid
    reader io.Reader

But that won't work because interface{} isn't a valid type name. Let's try giving it a name:

type T interface{}
type anyLimitReader struct {
  reader io.Reader

That's compilable Go, but it doesn't help us because a new type loses all the methods of the original:

A defined type may have methods associated with it. It does not inherit any methods bound to the given type.

But maybe a type alias is an option, since it preserves the methods?

package main

import (

type T = interface{}

type anyLimitReader struct {
    reader io.Reader

func (r anyLimitReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
    return r.reader.Read(p)

func AnyLimitReader(any interface{}, limit int64) io.Reader {
    return anyLimitReader{any, io.LimitReader(any.(io.Reader), limit)}

func main() {
    f, _ := os.Create("example.txt")
    w := AnyLimitReader(f, 1024)
    _, ok1 := w.(io.Closer)
    _, ok2 := w.(io.Reader)
    _, ok3 := w.(io.Writer)
    fmt.Println(ok1, ok2, ok3)
    // => false true false

So that doesn't work either. The empty interface doesn't provide us with the embedded promotion behavior we were looking for. However there is another strategy we could pursue.

Exhaustive Interface Embedding

Rather than store the *os.File type, what if we stored an interface that represented the method set of *os.File?

package main

import (

type File interface {
    Chdir() error
    Chmod(mode os.FileMode) error
    Chown(uid, gid int) error
    Close() error
    Fd() uintptr
    Name() string
    Read(b []byte) (n int, err error)
    ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (n int, err error)
    ReadDir(n int) ([]os.DirEntry, error)
    ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error)
    Readdir(n int) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
    Readdirnames(n int) (names []string, err error)
    Seek(offset int64, whence int) (ret int64, err error)
    SetDeadline(t time.Time) error
    SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error
    SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error
    Stat() (os.FileInfo, error)
    Sync() error
    SyscallConn() (syscall.RawConn, error)
    Truncate(size int64) error
    Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)
    WriteAt(b []byte, off int64) (n int, err error)
    WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)

type fileLimitReader struct {
    reader io.Reader

func (r fileLimitReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
    return r.reader.Read(p)

func FileLimitReader(file File, limit int64) io.Reader {
    return fileLimitReader{file, io.LimitReader(file, limit)}

func main() {
    f, _ := os.Create("example.txt")
    w := FileLimitReader(f, 1024)
    _, ok1 := w.(io.Closer)
    _, ok2 := w.(io.Reader)
    _, ok3 := w.(io.Writer)
    fmt.Println(ok1, ok2, ok3)
    // => true true true

This preserves the method set of any type that also implements all the same methods as *os.File. Unfortunately that's not all that useful because *os.File has a ton of methods. So lets first strip it down to the methods we care about: (the ones likely to be type-asserted). For example:

type File interface {
    Close() error
    Read(b []byte) (n int, err error)
    ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (n int, err error)
    ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error)
    Seek(offset int64, whence int) (ret int64, err error)
    Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)
    WriteAt(b []byte, off int64) (n int, err error)

All of these happen to have interfaces defined in io, so we can also define File like this:

type File interface {

Interface embedding may not be super common in day-to-day Go coding, but notice how similar it looks to struct embedding:

type File struct {

And this weird parallel actually works because of method promotion on embedded types. That is to say:

x := FileViaInterfaceEmbedding(f)
y := FileViaStructEmbedding{f,f,f,f,f,f,f}
// x.Read == y.Read == x.Reader.Read == y.Reader.Read

We can leverage this:

package main

import (

type File struct {

type fileLimitReader struct {
    reader io.Reader

func (r fileLimitReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
    return r.reader.Read(p)

func AnyLimitReader(any io.Reader, limit int64) io.Reader {
    var f File
    if closer, ok := any.(io.Closer); ok {
        f.Closer = closer
    f.Reader = io.LimitReader(any, limit)
    if readerAt, ok := any.(io.ReaderAt); ok {
        f.ReaderAt = readerAt
    if readerFrom, ok := any.(io.ReaderFrom); ok {
        f.ReaderFrom = readerFrom
    if seeker, ok := any.(io.Seeker); ok {
        f.Seeker = seeker
    if writer, ok := any.(io.Writer); ok {
        f.Writer = writer
    if writerAt, ok := any.(io.WriterAt); ok {
        f.WriterAt = writerAt
    return fileLimitReader{f, io.LimitReader(any, limit)}

func main() {
    f, _ := os.Create("example.txt")
    w := AnyLimitReader(f, 1024)
    _, ok1 := w.(io.Closer)
    _, ok2 := w.(io.Reader)
    _, ok3 := w.(io.Writer)
    fmt.Println(ok1, ok2, ok3)
    // => true true true

Now we're getting somewhere. Our AnyLimitReader takes a mere io.Reader but manages to implement a bunch of other IO interfaces without embedding the *os.File concrete type. For example you can do this:

func main() {
  w := AnyLimitReader(strings.NewReader("xyz"), 1024)
    _, ok1 := w.(io.Closer)
    _, ok2 := w.(io.Reader)
    _, ok3 := w.(io.Writer)
    fmt.Println(ok1, ok2, ok3)
    // => true true true

So we get all those methods even though we're not using an *os.File any more...

But now we've fallen off the other end. strings.Reader doesn't implement Closer or Writer. And if we try to call them we'll get a nil reference panic. So this isn't going to work. What we need instead is a way of constructing the struct that only contains the methods we actually implement via embedding. Then we will both preserve the existing interfaces, without accidentally introducing ones we don't actually support.

Interface Madness

Let's consider what this is going to take. Suppose we want to support a single additional interface, io.Closer:

// => result will either be a bare io.Reader, or an io.ReadCloser
func AnyLimitReader(any io.Reader, limit int64) io.Reader {
    reader := io.LimitReader(any, limit)
    if closer, ok := any.(io.Closer); ok {
        return struct { io.Closer ; io.Reader }{closer, reader}
    } else {
        return reader

And now we can add support for io.Writer too:

// => result will either be a bare io.Reader, an io.ReadCloser, an io.WriteCloser or an io.ReadWriteCloser
func AnyLimitReader(any io.Reader, limit int64) io.Reader {
    reader := io.LimitReader(any, limit)
    closer, closerOK := any.(io.Closer)
    writer, writerOK := any.(io.Writer)

    switch {
    case closerOK && writerOK:
        return struct {io.Closer;io.Writer;io.Reader}{closer, writer, reader}
    case closerOK:
        return struct {io.Closer;io.Reader}{closer, reader}
    case writerOK:
        return struct {io.Writer;io.Reader}{writer, reader}
        return reader

Notice that it's not enough to merely assert that any is an io.Closer once. We also need to handle the case where its both an io.Closer and an io.Writer. What happens when we add a third interface?

I will cut to the chase. This is a classic combinatorics problem. For 1 interface there are 2 cases, for 2 interfaces there are 4 cases, for 3 interfaces there are 8 cases, ... in general for n interfaces we need 2n cases. That's a lot of structs.

This approach falls into a weird gray area. It's just big enough that no one would want to write and maintain this code, but just fast enough that its computationaly feasible. Typically constructing a reader is done less often than using one, which means a bit of up front computation cost and code bloat is probably reasonable.

But no one in their right mind would want to write all that code. Indeed we don't have to. We can generate it.

This solution can be seen in all its absurdity here:

First we define all the types we care about:

func wrapIO(i interface{}) interface{} {
    type (
        t00i = io.Closer
        t01i = io.Reader
        t01o = Reader
        t02i = io.ReaderAt
        t02o = ReaderAt
        t03i = io.ReaderFrom
        t04i = io.Seeker
        t05i = io.Writer
        t05o = Writer
        t06i = io.WriterAt
        t06o = WriterAt
        t07i = io.WriterTo

Some of these types are wrapped and others are left as is (hence the i, o distinction). Next we define the wrapper functions we will use:

var (
    f01 = wrapReader
    f02 = wrapReaderAt
    f05 = wrapWriter
    f06 = wrapWriterAt

In the AnyLimitReader example above we used a switch statement with a bunch of booleans. But once we get to hundreds or thousands of cases there's actually a better approach we can take. We can use a switch with an integer which Go can optimize into a jump table.

To make this work we use an integer as a bit array. Each interface is given its own bit position and we OR the bits together to get the final number.

var f uint64
o00, b00 := i.(t00i)
if b00 { f |= 0x0001 }
o01, b01 := i.(t01i)
if b01 { f |= 0x0002 }
o02, b02 := i.(t02i)
if b02 { f |= 0x0004 }
o03, b03 := i.(t03i)
if b03 { f |= 0x0008 }
o04, b04 := i.(t04i)
if b04 { f |= 0x0010 }
o05, b05 := i.(t05i)
if b05 { f |= 0x0020 }
o06, b06 := i.(t06i)
if b06 { f |= 0x0040 }
o07, b07 := i.(t07i)
if b07 { f |= 0x0080 }

We then write a giant switch statement with every possible bit variation and the corresponding struct type:

switch f {
case 0x0000: return struct{}{}
case 0x0001: return struct{t00i}{o00}
case 0x0002: return struct{t01o}{f01(o01)}
case 0x0003: return struct{t00i;t01o}{o00,f01(o01)}
case 0x0004: return struct{t02o}{f02(o02)}
case 0x0005: return struct{t00i;t02o}{o00,f02(o02)}
case 0x0006: return struct{t01o;t02o}{f01(o01),f02(o02)}
case 0x00fd: return struct{t00i;t02o;t03i;t04i;t05o;t06o;t07i}{o00,f02(o02),o03,o04,f05(o05),f06(o06),o07}
case 0x00fe: return struct{t01o;t02o;t03i;t04i;t05o;t06o;t07i}{f01(o01),f02(o02),o03,o04,f05(o05),f06(o06),o07}
case 0x00ff: return struct{t00i;t01o;t02o;t03i;t04i;t05o;t06o;t07i}{o00,f01(o01),f02(o02),o03,o04,f05(o05),f06(o06),o07}


That's a big switch statement! But believe it or not this actually works.


I've used this technique for the contextaware package as well as Datadog's tracing library: dd-trace-go.

Next year Go will get type parameters which adds generic programming to Go and will likely provide a far superior way of doing the same thing.

† Compiler-optimized jump tables were recently implemented but have not yet been released. However the optimizer will use binary search for switch statements.